
Purity Cook Book: Getting nostalgic about food

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How an old cook book got our editor thinking about some of her first recipes   Over the holidays, I got a copy of the Purity Cook Book: The Complete Guide to Canadian Cooking. It was the one cookbook we had growing up that was used so often, dough and food stains permanently marked its… Read More»

Making bread

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Homemade bread is a mix of time, patience and chemistry. But the end result is worth it.


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This recipe comes from Rose Levy Berenbaum, baker extraordinaire and prolific cookbook author. This focaccia recipe is adapted from Berenbaum’s The Bread Bible, an exhaustively researched book about all things floury and doughy that is worth seeking out for bread lovers. This dough is very wet and works best if made with a standing mixer.

Easy Baguettes

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Urbane and sleek, baguettes are almost like bread’s sophisticated younger sibling. But they are one of the easiest breads out there to make since it can be made using a standard stand mixer.


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For more flavoursome breads, bakers often use lightly fermented dough in their breads. These doughs are known as starters. The most well known form of starters are sourdough starters, or leavens. This type of starter is made by fermenting flour and water and using yeast that is naturally present in the air and can take… Read More»

Simon’s Winter Bread, update

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Dear Readers, In our winter issue, we included this recipe of Simon’s Winter Bread, which is a perfect bread recipe for beginners. But in this case, a beginner bread maker caught an error! We omitted the ingredient list for the bread portion and the second instruction should say, “add the flour,” not “add the water.” So, here… Read More»

Winter door decor

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Four designers create their perfect holiday front-door designs.